Child Molestation/Sexual Assault against a Minor Child Jury Trial- NOT GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS

Client was prosecuted for sexual assault against a minor/child molestation. If convicted, Client would face life-altering consequences including life in prison and lifetime registration as a sex offender. Our client was a productive member of society, had extensive family and community support, and was a loving parent of young children. Client understood the risks involved in going to trial and the potential outcome of life in prison if convicted. Client was also facing permanent consequences that could change his life along with that of his family. Despite these risks, Client was unwavering in his assertion of innocence and refused to take any plea bargains. After an intense and hard-fought battle during a lengthy trial, the jury found our client NOT GUILTY of all counts of sexual assault of a minor child. The jury deliberated for less than two hours before reaching a unanimous decision in favor of our client. Client was able to keep his career and family, sustained no prison time, and no lifetime sex registration. After the acquittal, our client was able to reunite and heal with family having been separated for over a year.