San Diego Slip & Fall Attorney

unpredictable terrain, of condos and common areas, of malls and supermarkets and wide open spaces with hidden traps for the unsuspecting foot. San Diego also has a large retirement community, people who are both active and aging. For a place without any weather extremes, our County nevertheless has its share of unintentional tumbles that result in injuries.

  • An experienced slip and fall attorney knows that these are not simple injury claims to prove. The rules of negligence very quickly get complicated in public places like malls, supermarkets, arenas and stadiums because in many situations you need to show that the proprietor of the property had knowledge of the unsafe condition. A good slip and fall lawyer has investigators they can rely on to reconstruct the incident through interviews and site examination.
  • Work related slip and fall injuries are generally handled through workman’s compensation insurance. If you apply for and accept workman’s compensation you are probably precluded from suing your employer. If your accident at work was caused by a third party such as a janitorial crew or a delivery vehicle you may have grounds for a personal injury suit against that party.

Some suggestions:

Free Consultation (619) 233-4433

If you are injured in a slip and fall incident, it’s imperative that you contact a slip and fall lawyer immediately. While proving the case may require time consuming investigation, there is often a very small window for notifying the insurance carrier of your claim. You may find that the case can be settled through negotiations with the insurance company that covers the property and that no legal action is necessary. You will also find, however, that insurance companies are much more willing to negotiate with an attorney in the picture than simply with an injured party.

If you are injured within a building or property that has on-site management, file a report with the office before departing. It can be a credibility issue later on if you choose to take legal action but made no notification on the date of the injury. Take the names of any witnesses; ideally those witnesses will include both employees and non-employees. You should note the time of day and any lighting impact from outdoors.

Seek medical attention on the day of the incident. Traumatic injuries often don’t manifest their extent until hours have passed, when the adrenaline has worn off and muscles or joints begin to stiffen. It’s important for both your health and your legal case that you get a thorough medical workup on any strains, abrasions or other seemingly minor injuries as well as the major ones. It’s the totality of your slip and fall injury that your attorney will bring to bear in a legal proceeding.

If you need a slip and fall attorney and feel that this kind of thorough approach is necessary, contact the Law Offices of Anna R. Yum. We’ll work with you to make sure that every detail of your case is put into play and that the appropriate parties provide for your medical care.